Saturday, April 2, 2016

Patrick: The Avengers/Portal, Ange's

Friday April 1 2016

Pizza: Ange's

We love Ange's pizza. In addition to being the closest pizza place to our house since Napoli's closed like 8 years ago (R.I.P. Home of the Pizza Foldover!), it's seriously delicious. You can't go wrong there. X-Large Sausage and personal black olive.

Movie: The Avengers

I'm just going to come out and say it, but this movie was a just a placeholder because Lauren and I were playing the original Portal video game, and you can't eat and play at the same time,  and it was Pizza and a Movie Night, so we felt we had to kind of go for it. But we only watched about an hour of it, then got back to the game. Movie review: We've seen it 5x already, it's great, blah blah blah.

Avengers Movie Trailer

for The Avengers

Tony's epic comeback:

Tony's witty retort:

Game: Portal

Oh, heck yes. One of the greatest video games of all time, and I was sharing it with Lauren because Beth was out on a ladydate. Trevor didn't like the game so much, so he was mostly watching inane Youtube videos done by idiots with British accents who play Minecraft and then record it. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Oh yes, PORTAL. Words aren't enough. It's something that you have to experience to understand it's greatness. It's like the Arrested Development meets Prison Break of the VG world. So great.

Portal Teaser Trailer

for Portal

GlaDOS wants you to know - you've hurt her feelings.

GlaDOS wants to hurt YOUR feelings.

The little gun turret does not appreciate being manhandled by a test subject.


    (NOTE: this is NOT the greatest game in the This is just a tribute)

    (directed by Dan Trachtenberg and with a music director who wants to live inside Trent Reznor's         personsuit)

    (This one is a little darker)

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